Why do you think businesses are producing videos for their customers? It’s certainly isn’t because they want to torture themselves with the pre-production, production, and post-production process. Not everybody is a fan of making Lakeland video production because it takes a lot of effort and time to do it. So, why do businesses invest their time, money, and effort into this?
Here is the rundown of why videos matter for businesses: it attracts audiences, it lets them see some behind-the-scene actions, it’s entertaining, and it introduces them to your office culture. There’s no reason for businesses not to have videos right now. Here are the four types of videos you can produce for your business:
Background Videos
You can use the background videos on your homepage. Not all homepages have videos, but it helps if yours have. It’s a great way to hold the attention of your web visitors. It can be used as a banner of your website. Typically, the background video doesn’t need audio. It’ll be a short clip featuring the products and other information the web visitors will find on your website.
The brain can process images much faster than text. How fast? Around 60,000 times faster than it takes for our brains to process text. You can use that to your advantage. You can say more within 30 seconds through a video than what you can say with five minutes’ worth of reading.
About Us Videos
The About Us video is a showcase of your business in about two to four minutes. You can have a more engaging about us video by diving deep into what fuels your business. Or, you can have a talking head sharing to your customers how the business came about. When making a Lakeland video production, always consider the entertainment value. When making this type of video, combine interviews, b-roll footages, and voice-overs.
Video Loops
Like the background videos, video loops don’t need to be lengthy. They can be as short as 30 seconds. The purpose of video loops is to attract visitors to the motion. When something is “moving” on the page, the automatic reaction for web visitors is to look at it. This allows you to inform your web visitors about product launches, discounts, and many other things.
Cinemagraphs are not videos per se. Rather, they are tiny movements in the elements of the website such as the images, text, arrows, fonts, and call-to-action buttons. Adding a touch of motion usually attracts the eyes of web visitors. They stay around for a little while, watch a Lakeland video production, and maybe react positively to your call-to-action.