More than a decade ago, I remember having to thumb through leaflets of information about a sale or a mall promotion. Coupons are printed in booklets. Concert details are stamped on flyers and given away at the mall entrances. Gone are those days now and if we ever still do see printed text about an announcement, these kinds are far and in between. Photography and videography forever changed the way products and services and businesses are marketed.
With the rise of social media and modern technology (hello, smartphones and tablets?), it has become increasingly obvious that photography and videography would alter every traditional marketing strategy and theory known to experts. But since people are naturally visual creatures, this worked well for the marketing industry. Imagine writing a one-page text on the benefits of green tea and reprinting these a thousand times to distribute to marketgoers and then, seeing the customers simply throw the flyers away because they don’t have the time nor the energy to read through what you wrote.
These days, all you need is a video camera and the basic ability to edit videos. Think of a concept that could show viewers how beneficial green tea is. Maybe you can make a skit? Maybe it could be a comedic monologue? Whatever it is, using photos and videos to get your messages across is the wise and smart thing to do these days.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter… all of these are catalysts to the ever-changing world of multimedia. It used to be that we can only watch videos on YouTube but now, we can share these videos on our social media platforms. Well, hey, we can make videos of our own and upload it on Facebook. If one thing leads to another, we might even find those videos going viral with views breaching the millionth mark.
That’s a success for marketing strategist. If a simple video has gone viral, imagine what a well-targeted video could reach? What a simple photo of a five-year-old smoking along a deserted alley can do to public policy?
Though we could miss the simplicity and the tradition of the written world, of an article that is filled with information rather than useless cartoon and animation, the truth is that photography and videography have made this an easier world to comprehend. It is far easier to explain a concept or an idea now than ever before.