Lakeland Video Production: Using Asynchronous Videos More Effectively in a Virtual Classroom

by | Dec 16, 2020

Who would’ve thought that we will spend the last 10 months of this year sheltering in our homes and quarantining away from our loved ones? The past 10 months have been all sorts of weird, but a lot of opportunities arose, too. One of these opportunities is in the virtual classroom, where two kinds of Lakeland video production is being used—synchronous and asynchronous.

The first one means all students and the instructor have to watch the video together through virtual channels such as Zoom and Skype. Even Google allows the sharing of the screen so that participants in a teleconference can watch and see the same thing. Asynchronous refers to the teachers giving the students leeway as to when they would like to watch the video. They can watch it on their own terms and in their own time.

But how can instructors assure that their asynchronous videos will be effective in a virtual classroom? What will make a video effective in engaging students and making sure they participate next time the same topic is discussed in class?

High Quality

Nothing looks more boring and uninteresting than low-quality videos. Avoid using grainy and blurry videos in a virtual classroom. It is bad enough that students have to learn virtually, but to use low-quality videos? No one will be interested in watching these anymore. Invest in creating videos that are made with a high-definition camera.


Can you make the video interactive? No, it doesn’t need to be as interactive as livestreaming videos. You can perhaps post some questions about the topic in the videos? Let your students know that you are going to ask about the same thing when you resume classes. This might not be direct interaction in the video, but it’s a nice reminder for your students that they have to actually make an effort to understand the video.


So many teachers forget about choosing a video that is interesting for your audience. Yes, it’s good that you don’t have to force the students to watch the video synchronously, but do you really have to choose such a boring Lakeland video production? Isn’t there another video that can explain the topics in a more entertaining way? Remember that even though you are watching the video asynchronously, it is vitally important that it captures your audience’s attention.

With so many things to see on the internet these days, it’s hard for any video to compete. That’s why you have to put extra effort into making your Lakeland video production fun, relevant, and attention-grabbing.