With how popular the Lakeland video production industry is getting, it is not surprising why plenty of people are looking to join the industry. However, it has become rather oversaturated with the number of professionals looking to be a part of this.
Because of this, it is now more important than ever to make sure that you stand out in the industry. A good way to make sure that happens is to have a winning Lakeland video production portfolio at the ready. To help you out, here are some tips to help you come up with a great video production portfolio and land the job of your dreams.
Don’t overcomplicate things
One of the very first things that you should always remember when it comes to your portfolio, any portfolio, for that matter, is the fact that you shouldn’t be overcomplicating things.
While you should still be displaying your creativity, especially in a creative field like the video production industry, you should walk the fine line between creativity and practicality.
After all, you are still a professional, and that should be coming across in your portfolio in a creative way. Don’t make your content too complicated that people will have difficulty understanding what you’re trying to say.
Include your reel
As a video production professional, you should definitely be including your reel. It’s easy enough to talk a big talk, but unless you back it up with your actual work, it will be hard to find people who will take you seriously.
Make sure that you display the same balance of creativity and professionalism in your demo reel as well, as this is going to be a large factor which will help industry professionals decide to work with you for their production.
Be organized
Whether it’s in your demo reel or your portfolio text, make sure that you are consistently organized with how you handle the whole thing.
Disorganization never a good video production professional make. This also makes it much easier for potential professionals to go straight for what they’re looking for in a production professional.
Make sure to check everything
One of the most basic mistakes you can make in your Lakeland video production portfolio is sending out your portfolio and reel without going over everything and checking it.
Even if you have the most visually appealing portfolio out there, it isn’t going to do much if you have spelling errors and other blatant issues which should have been easily remedied.
This also reflects badly on you as a professional, because this shows that if you don’t take the time for the small things like this, what does this say about the quality of your work as a professional?