There are two sides to every story and this is what web designers are afraid of when it comes to background video production: it reminds them about the time that we were so obsessed with using GIFs and animation for the visual appeal of the website.
What that did is bog down the website and make it run so slow that potential customers are turning away. That trend would probably never come back because it will look tacky and over-the-top in today’s web design trend.
But video production? Background videos, more specifically? It’s a dynamic and livelier way of enriching the user experience. It certainly adds to the visual appeal of the website, although the benefits of using background videos lie on more than just aesthetics.
The key to a successful addition of video backgrounds on your website is to do it properly, to find the balance between tacky and intriguing.
Visual appeal
The moment your web visitors steps on your website, the video background will take part in appealing to his senses. The video must engage with him and it must attract his interest.
Your website will appear inviting and technologically forward. This is a trend they have not been seeing on other static websites. Your visitors will know you are putting money and thought into creating your website especially for them.
Explains complex products/services
Have you heard the term experiential marketing? It is immersing the consumer in a positive emotional experience that they can associate with the brand. That’s what a video background can do. It helps achieve this positive emotion and provides a glimpse of the experience that customers can look forward to when they associate with your brand.
Products and services that are complex in nature can also benefit from video backgrounds. Those that need thorough explaining can make a five-seconder video that would provide information to the customers. Remember that customers retain more of what they see in videos rather than in text.
Boosts SEO
Make sure that your video can be shared on different social media platforms. Make sure that it is formatted in such a way that it will automatically play when posted on these sites. Google loves videos.
It loves videos that are constantly viewed and shared. It loves videos more when you use targeted keywords on the meta description or the caption or subtitles. The better your ranking on Google is, the more opportunities your business has to target its market.