5 Types of Videos That a Lakeland Videographer Should Take for Websites

by | Apr 2, 2020

Online video content has skyrocketed. Today, it makes up more than 80% of all internet traffic. It increases website views and increases conversion. Even engagement will improve because of these videos that a Lakeland videographer can produce. Whatever kind of business you have—a salon, a gym, a spa, an online business, or a retail store—your website needs to have the right video content to attract web visitors.

Testimonial Videos

A happy customer who’s willing to stand in front of the camera and tell everyone that he/she loves the products is the best recommendation your company can ever get.

When customers want to know more about the business and its products/services, they look for the comments and ratings left by the other customers. Why is this important? It’s because customers see these testimonials as the truest form of recommendation they can get from past clients.

Corporate Video

Why should your web visitors be subjected to a 500-word About Us post when you can make a video of it? A five-minute video showing your corporate culture is more impactful than writing a 500-word blog post.

In the video, you can show the people behind the business. Consumers will be able to relate more when there are a face and name to the products that you are selling.

Product Demonstration Video

This is a tutorial for your product. You are basically showing how to use the product. Make sure to let the Lakeland videographer know what needs to be highlighted about the product’s features.

This video is aiming for new clients, but they could also be trying to retain old customers by showing them how certain products can have other functions. The statistics are on your side. More than 70% of web users are more likely to buy a product after they have watched a video about it.

Facebook Live

Your Facebook and Instagram Live should be done professionally as well. This will earn you the respect of your customers. Live videos have taken over the number one spot in social network content.

These are actually better ranked than uploading regular videos on your news feeds. There is no limit to what you can show on a live video. You can show people around your office or you can show different products that you are working on.

Blog Video

Any business will benefit from a blog video. Through this kind of video, you will establish yourself as an expert in this field. People will watch out for your opinions. It’s also a great way to boost your website’s SEO and search engine results ranking.