Main Differences of Aerial Photography From Regular Photography

by | Jul 24, 2018

While we now take for granted the presence of aerial photography, there was a time when it was not such a norm as it is today. Regular photos would capture images from the ground, from an eye-level, and the differences in photos would only matter in terms of the basic elements such as tone, color, brightness, focus, balance, etc.

But now that we are seeing aerial photography in a completely new level, we are left to wonder what truly separates it from ordinary photography.

Aerial position

Even in today’s modern world, we are more used to seeing photos taken from the ground than from the air. Drones are not part of many households just yet, although there are many enthusiasts who have invested in the equipment to take stunning photos of nature and the environment.

Aerial photography gives us a rather unique perspective when it comes to seeing memories come to life. Whether it is being used by location services such as Waze or Google Maps or for capturing special events in a dramatic fashion, aerial photography has simply taken this generation captive by its sheer innovativeness.


Photos in aerial photography are being taken in scales that most people are not used to seeing. We normally have a two-dimensional approach to taking photos. We see them. We click on that tiny button on our screens and voila, we have a picture to keep forever.

But in terms of aerial photography, the photographer provides us with a stunning perspective of where the photos are being taken, what was happening around the area while a wedding, birthday, or proposal is being done, how far away from the city is the event, etc. This adds a more dramatic flair to the photos and it gives us a sense of grandeur.


Aerial photos can turn scientific really quick. Images obtained from satellites and high-altitude cameras can use color-infrared photography to allow scientists to see things that are not visible to the human eye.

This provides them with a powerful tool to study environment, landforms, environmental pollution, and other effects of human activities on the planet’s surface.

So, see? Aerial photography is not merely a tool that Hollywood movies use to add credence to their films. It could also help scientists understand the world’s problems better and aid them in finding solutions to things like climate change and environmental degradation.

These are all important issues that somehow, aerial photography is helping better understand.