Stock photography and stock video footage tend to get a bit of a bad reputation in the world of Lakeland video production. From a purist’s point of view, it makes sense why you would want to stay away from stock footage in your production.
You would want to make everything yourself, and using stock footage in your production feels a little bit like cheating, after all. However, you should know that there are plenty of benefits to using stock footage in your Lakeland video production which can enhance it, as long as you know how to use it properly.
You should also be well aware that plenty of video production professionals have no qualms about using stock video footage in their own video productions, especially in very specific situations. Here is what you need to know about using stock video footage in any video production.
It saves money
One of the biggest benefits of using stock video footage in your video production is the fact that it can save you and your clients plenty of money to use, as opposed to creating the actual shot yourself.
You have to remember how many resources are needed just to make a short, thirty seconds video. If you use stock video footage to create about half of that video, then you’re saving quite a lot of money and resources that can be directed elsewhere.
With stock video footage, all you have to pay for is the license to use the stock video for commercial or private use, and you’re free to go.
It saves time
Not only is using stock video footage great for saving money, but it can save literally hours of time as well. If you’ve been working in the Lakeland video production industry for quite a while, then you might be very familiar with the feeling of a looming deadline and realizing that you lack the footage for a specific part of the video.
Maybe the existing footage you have is unusable, or maybe you had simply forgotten to shoot it. Whatever the reason is, the fact of the matter is you don’t have an important video clip, and there’s a deadline looming over your heads.
This is where stock video footage comes in. With stock footage, you save hours of time that can be spent refining the final video product to make sure that it meets your clients’ needs and standards.
The quality is always guaranteed
The great thing about using stock footage with your existing Lakeland video production is that you don’t have to worry about a drop or loss in video quality.
This is because stock video footage is often shot by professional videographers, which means that the quality is never an issue. So if you’re worried about how it’s going to look with your existing video, then there is nothing you have to worry about.