If you’re in the video production industry as a videographer, you can probably remember your very first job. Whether you’re working solo or in a team, you never forget your very first gig. There’s something exciting about seeing how the whole thing comes together that makes one very nervous and excited at the same time.
There are times, however, when that nervousness can win over that excitement, and you find yourself constantly worrying if you’re doing the right thing. If you find yourself about to embark on your first videographer job, here are some tips to help you out.
Be prepared
No matter what kind of video production you’re handling or you’re a part of, always come prepared, especially on your first day. From your gear to accessories and staff, make sure that you have everything you need to make sure that the shoot goes off smoothly. It helps to have a checklist of things you’re going to need beforehand. The last thing you want is to look unprepared for your first video production job.
Always be on time
Tardiness is never a good look, especially on your first day of the job. Your clients will never appreciate a late videographer. In order to avoid this, make sure that you set your alarms early and always show up earlier than the specified call time.
Be on top of everything
Whether you’re running a solo gig or working with an entire video production team, it’s very important to be on top of everything. It helps if you create a shot list ahead of time so that you don’t have to wonder what your next move is going to be.
As much as possible, you want to keep up a steady and efficient stream of work throughout the day. If you constantly forget to do something or mess up a client’s shot, it doesn’t reflect well on you, which may lead to your clients refusing to provide you with a positive recommendation in the future.
Get along with everyone
Remember that when working as a videographer, you’re going to come into contact with a lot of people. You’re going to be working with people on your team, not to mention you’re going to be in contact with your clients and everyone else involved with the shoot.
Make sure that you manage to get along well with everybody, especially for your first job. Not only does it make the shoot come along easier, but it also leaves a better impression on you, the videographer, which should be helpful when you’re looking to pick up more work.