Tips For Video Production In A Classroom Setting

by | Jan 16, 2019

It is easier now to produce videos for classroom learning because of the smartphone. Teachers can produce videos using their mobile phones so it will be easier for the students to understand the current lesson plan. Students can use their mobile phones to show their instructors that they have understood the concepts, contexts, and theories being taught in class. Video production is a great way to improve communication and learning in the classroom.

There are two ways that we can use videos in a classroom setting: one is an infographic of how a theory or concept works that the teacher can show over and over again until the whole class manages to understand what is being taught.

Second, the students can produce their own videos and apply the theories they were taught in class. The videos will show how well they understood the concept and how they can apply it in everyday situations.

But though video production is a reliable part of today’s teaching method, we must still be extra careful when producing one lest it produces the opposite results. When a video is badly made, students may lose interest in it and divert their attention somewhere else.

That’s why it’s important to consider having a professional video company produce the videos. It’s a one-time investment, after all, that teachers or the school can make. The videos can be stored in the library where both teachers and students will have access to.

Clean the audio

Communication is important in any learning process. If there’s too much noise in the video’s background, there’s a good chance that the students will get distracted by it.

As much as possible, the video should be shot in a quiet environment with noise-canceling microphones. This could be edited, too, during post-production and that’s why professional videographers and editors play an important role here.

Simple framing and panning

You are not making a Hollywood movie. You are simply teaching concepts and theories and infographics. There is no need to pan the camera wide or to frame the speaker against a chaotic background.

The video would be better off if the frame area is focused on the main character and the camera is held as straight as possible without too many interruptions and creative shots.


Do not use background music that has not been produced by yourself or obtained license-free from the internet. While the video is meant for classroom consumption, the rules and laws should still be followed.

A classroom setting can still be considered as public viewing and copyright laws strictly prohibit the use of copyrighted materials in public viewing.