Use Tripods to Keep Your Lakeland Video Production Shots Stable

by | Jul 6, 2021

There are many tools of the trade when it comes to the Lakeland video production industry, and each one plays just as important a role as the last. This is because all of this is needed to make sure that you get the shots that you need for a quality video. One often-overlooked piece of equipment in the video production industry is the tripod.

Many production professionals think that they can simply do without it, but this plays an important role in the quality of your video. A tripod functions to keep your shots stable, leading to better quality video footage. Read on to learn more about how tripods keep your Lakeland video production shots stable.

Invest in the right gear

Like any other piece of video production gear, you can only get the full benefit of this if you invest in the right quality of gear. Buying the cheapest tripod off of Amazon isn’t going to give you the kind of stability that you would get from a tripod made by a reputable manufacturer. Cheap tripods tend to have flimsy legs that may have difficulty holding up your gear. You’re going to want a tripod with strong, wide legs and secure locks and joints to keep your gear exactly where it needs to be.

Stability also comes from the camera itself

Stability is essential to the quality of your video, so it’s important to know that your camera also comes with internal stabilization. Make sure to do your research and look into different cameras, their level of internal stabilization, and choose the right one for your needs.

Choose the right location

A lot of the time, stabilization issues in a Lakeland video production can be easily fixed with a few location adjustments here and there. Of course, it will be much harder to achieve stabilization on rocky and uneven terrain compared to filming on a flat plain. As great as tripods and other stabilization equipment is, you shouldn’t be giving yourself more work by intentionally choosing locations that will be hard to work with.

Weigh down the base

If you do need to film on uneven terrain, keep in mind that a wobbly tripod can spell disaster for your video footage, so make sure to weigh down the base of your tripod. You can use sandbags and lay them across the base of your tripod to make sure that it does not move while you are filming.