Taking Care of That Expensive Drone For Drone Photography

Taking Care of That Expensive Drone For Drone Photography

Since drones cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, we should take good care of them and make sure they are in excellent condition before piloting them to the air. By following several very useful tips, you will ensure that your drone photography hobby or...
Main Differences of Aerial Photography From Regular Photography

Main Differences of Aerial Photography From Regular Photography

While we now take for granted the presence of aerial photography, there was a time when it was not such a norm as it is today. Regular photos would capture images from the ground, from an eye-level, and the differences in photos would only matter in terms of the basic...
How To Fly A Drone For Drone Photography

How To Fly A Drone For Drone Photography

If you have just purchased a shiny new drone, it’s understandable that you’re afraid to fly it for the first time. Drones are not exactly cheap and the camera that attaches to them for drone photography is quite expensive as well. If you drop it from 50 feet from...
Expanded Uses of Aerial Photography

Expanded Uses of Aerial Photography

Aerial photography has other uses aside from real estate planning and promotion and events marketing. Modern equipment made this more possible, not to mention easier. Now that we can basically use drones to take aerial photographs, more and more people are now turning...
Managing A Drone Photography Business

Managing A Drone Photography Business

Out of the many business opportunities you encountered in the past, you somehow decided to invest in a drone photography business. And why not? The industry is bursting to the seams. Everywhere you go, people are studying how to fly a drone and how to make their...